Foods to Avoid When Wearing Dentures

Adjusting to life with dentures can be a bit tricky at first. It's a trial-and-error process where you learn how to talk with the dentures in your mouth and how to reduce the amount of discomfort they might make you feel.  One lifestyle change that you need to make with dentures is paying more attention to the food you are eating. Some types of foods might damage your dentures while others might make the prosthetic loose and more likely to fall out. 

So, here's what food you should avoid when wearing dentures. 

Why Do You Need to Pay More Attention to Your Food? 

The answer lies both in the material of your dentures and the way they attach to your mouth. Full dentures, for example, are usually made from acrylic, which is a type of plastic that can easily break when exposed to higher forces. Partial dentures contain both acrylic and metal and can sustain more biting pressure. 

The way the dentures are applied matters too. Suction dentures, for example, are easier to dislodge by chewy or sticky foods than dentures that clip. 

Foods To Avoid When Wearing Dentures 

Sticky and Chewy Foods: sticky and chewy foods can cause your dentures to dislodge or shift during chewing. Try to stay away from:

  • Caramels
  • Chewing gum
  • Taffy
  • Certain dried fruits, such as raisins and prunes

If you really want to enjoy some of these foods, consider cutting them into smaller pieces to minimize the risk of dislodging your dentures.

Hard Foods: Hard foods can place excessive pressure on your dentures, making them more prone to damage. Be cautious when consuming foods such as:

  • Nuts
  • Hard candies
  • Ice cubes
  • Raw vegetables like carrots and celery

It's best to chop or grate these foods if you want to consume them. You can also steam or cook vegetables to soften them before eating.

Foods with Small Seeds or Grains. Small seeds and grains can get stuck beneath your dentures, causing discomfort and irritation. We're talking here about foods such as:

  • Poppy or sesame seed rolls
  • Chia seeds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Whole grain bread with visible seeds
  • Berries with small seeds, such as raspberries and strawberries

One way to enjoy these foods is by blending them into smoothies to reduce the risk of seeds getting trapped under your dentures.

Foods That Are More Difficult to Eat: Certain foods, such as corn on the cob, apples, or steaks require significant force to bite into, which can be challenging for denture wearers. You can still enjoy these foods by cutting them into smaller, bite-sized pieces. 

Are You Considering Dentures? Let's Talk! 

If you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to restore your smile and oral health, dentures may be a good option. our Bowling Green dentist will examine your oral health and determine if dentures are right for you or if you can consider another restorative treatment, such as implants. 

Book your appointment with Precision Dental today! 

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